Category Archives: Uncategorized

“True” Stories and Responsibility to History

“…Amadeus never said it was a true story, and so when people try to say “Oh, it’s historically inaccurate!”, yes, it’s historical fiction, you dumbasses, and it can still stand as that, and then you have to do the research … Continue reading

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A Bit of the Old “Ultra-Violence” (Warning: very gruesome images and descriptions ahead)

Oddly enough, the movie from which that title quote originates isn’t really all that violent as it is simply disturbing in its subject matter. There’s beatings, fights, murder, a guy getting cut, and even a rape scene, but Kubrick generally … Continue reading

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“A Trip to the Moon” and Fantastic Fiction in the Silent Era

Part One: A Flight of Fancy It is one of the most famous images in all of cinema: a rocket capsule, fired from a gigantic cannon, hurtles toward the moon, which happens to have a face. The helpless moon stares … Continue reading

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The Motive Behind a Movie: Does it Matter?

These were both “made for money”, but in two entirely different senses.   “I do understand that big movies like (Attack of the Clones) are basically a business. However, I would say that most movies, not all (flashes an image … Continue reading

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Reaction to Having Watched “Birth of a Nation”

As an aspiring film enthusiast, I know that it is amongst my duties to experience at least the broad spectrum of movie history. You can’t really claim to be knowledgeable about movies unless you’ve actually watched the movies you intend … Continue reading

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Personal History With Kubrick Movies

Most of the films of Stanley Kubrick feel, for lack of a better phrase, ahead of their time. In both the technique and the writing, you always feel as though you’re watching something at least several years newer than it … Continue reading

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Post #8

            Four months of studying HBO’s The Wire has come to an end, as has four months of watching it at regular intervals of three episodes a week. I have witnessed the decline and eventual … Continue reading

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Post #7

One notable aspect of The Wire is its lack of a definite “main” character. At first, James McNulty seems to fulfill this role, but pretty quickly, it becomes clear that the focus of the show stretches far beyond just him, … Continue reading

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Post #6

Given its setting and premise, it seems almost inevitable that a show such as The Wire would end up drawing comparisons to the many controversies surrounding police violence and discrimination against black people that has been gaining widespread attention in … Continue reading

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Unofficial Post: Response to comments from Post #5

(This was originally in the comments section, but it’s long enough to qualify as a post, and I wanted to make sure that everyone saw it, so I’m putting it here. I hope none of this comes off as anger, … Continue reading

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